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Panel For Example Panel For Example Panel For Example


Published on 2021/11/10 15:21:18

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  • nothing as this an useless business pcb card just for fun *1


During the making of this project, we tried to make sure that this post will be the best guide for you in order to help you if you want to make your own PCB Business Card, so we hope that this post contains the needed documents. This project is so handy to make specially after getting the customized printed circuit boards that we’ve ordered from ALL PCB to improve the appearance of our Business Crad and also there is enough documents and codes in this guide to allow you create your beautiful business card. We've made this project in just 2 days only, just one day to get all the needed parts and finish the hardware making and the assemble, then one day to prepare the code to suit our project. Business cards today serve a completely different function than they used to. In the past, business cards were a practical way to share your contact information, like the number for your landline phone. But that’s easy to do today electronically. Modern business cards are simply a means for impressing people, which means you need to really stand out. This is just a business card which can be used for business purpose. This design essentially shows the creativity of my design and the pcb skills I have. Rather than a normal business card this card will serve a purpose of impressing the clients when given to them thus one can show the pcb skills without even speaking about it. The idea here is to combine functionality with a little extra “wow” appeal. That “wow” factor comes from both the minimalist design, and the simple fact that it’s more than just another paper business card that’s going to get immediately thrown in the trash This is a Printed Circuit Board business card I designed for fun, and got asked to put it up for sale. Feel free to fork the design on the Altium Circuit maker forum and make it yourself! This order is for people who want to save some time and effort re-designing it themselves.



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