Has anyone tried to increase the working height on their Mirtec AOI. We have several MV-2HTL machines and have a few boards that are over 2" tall. I'd rather not leave the parts out and have a secondary step to install them after inspection. I've got a few ideas but thought I'd inquire about workarounds from Mirtec users.
2017/3/1 20:04:15
I think you are a genuis. The idea in your post is quite helpful and lights me. I have been puzzled for a long time in my new project.
2017/3/1 20:04:15
Quite good posting. Your knowledge is quite impressive and useful to me who is new beginner. Hope you can write more posts and I will keep on reading.
2017/3/1 20:04:15
Remarkable.Great help to my learning.
Francisco Javier
2017/3/1 20:04:15
You did a great job. Really appreciate your content.
Enrique Ochoa
2017/3/1 20:04:15
Very interesting post.