DEAR TECHNETTER'S, When profiling for the reflow process, we are given a recommended profile to use for the solder paste (no-clean). They give us a range of times to be in each zone. Ex. <90 sec ramp up to 150 degrees C. 60-90 sec in the soak zone. 60 +/- 15 sec in time above liquidus. This can be a large difference in the total time. Is there a target time we should look for in each zone. I would think the most critical time would be time above liquidus because of the intermetallic. Any additional information would be appreciated.
2017/2/4 14:01:02
Remarkable.Great help to my learning.
Richard Farrar
2017/2/4 14:01:02
incredible work
2017/2/4 14:01:02
Excellent work. I am impressed.