A productivity ehancement tool has been developed that tests and analyzes pc board designs to assess their manufacturability prior to implementing assembly. The eSight Design for Manufacturability (DFM) software actually provides an overview of the entire design-to-build process, placing particular focus on manufacturability for assembly. It operates by reading and optimizing native ECAD data with the company's proprietary CAMCAD application. The software can perform hundreds of tests for applications such as solder mask impingement, component keep-out areas, and fiducials clearance or via-to-edge features, with the test results viewable collaboratively with eSight Explorer. An optional design-for-test module is also available to perform enhanced testability tests. The eSight DFM comes in node-lock and network configurations, with a single node-lock seat priced at less than $20,000; a conditional introductory price of $9,950 is also offered.
2017/2/14 21:48:53
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