I want to have a trace on the bottom copper layer which is connected to a pad on the front copper layer, but I don't want to make the hole into the pad.
Can you give me the suggestions for doing a blind via to rectangular pad on 2 layer board?
As blind vias cost more money, so can you avoid using the blind via? And board layer counts are always even numbers as a result of the manufacturing process.
2016/10/21 22:56:50
A common way to avoid what you do not want is to run copper to where they can be tolerated.
2016/10/20 2:01:01
Why do you need to make a blind via instead of a thru hole?
Have your board design used no -thru-hole rule?
2016/10/4 5:46:34
You can ask your PCB manufacturer to send the quotation of 4 layers PCB with blind vias.
Colin Durbridge
2016/11/15 2:49:07
As blind vias cost more money, so can you avoid using the blind via? And board layer counts are always even numbers as a result of the manufacturing process.
2016/10/21 22:56:50
A common way to avoid what you do not want is to run copper to where they can be tolerated.
2016/10/20 2:01:01
Why do you need to make a blind via instead of a thru hole? Have your board design used no -thru-hole rule?
2016/10/4 5:46:34
You can ask your PCB manufacturer to send the quotation of 4 layers PCB with blind vias.
2016/9/30 16:06:33
Very interesting post.