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ALLPCB Completed B Round Financing of Over 300 MillionYuan (About 46.3 Million USD)

2021-08-10  ALLPCB


Recently, the electronic industry Internet platform ALLPCB announced the completion of over 300 million RMB (About 46.3 Million USD) B round+ financing.

This round of financing was exclusively led by SCGC Capital. Followed by Yuanhe Chenkun, Shangtang Technology, Gongshu International Investment (formerly Xiacheng International Investment) and old shareholders Xianghe Capital, Yuanjing Capital, Qingsong Fund and other institutions. Light House Capital acted as the exclusive financial advisor.

This round of financing will be mainly used to strengthen the development of the intelligent Electronic Collaborative Manufacturing System (ECMS), improve the collaborative manufacturing platform, team building and business expansion. At the same time, we builds our own data center and uses data brain coordination to realize efficient, safe, scientific and reasonable allocation of production resources on the platform, and uses new-generation technology to serve more manufacturing companies and help them achieve digital and intelligent, informatization transformation, while maximizing the synergy between manufacturing enterprises, creating a new ecology for the transformation of traditional manufacturing industries.



                                                                                        Business of ALLPCB

Relying on the self-developed intelligent production system, ALLPCB breaks the information silo between single factories, effectively aggregates the information flow and capital flow of physical orders, and intelligently schedules production to the most suitable factory production line after AI pricing, intelligent layout, and accurate matching by the big data center, thus improving the operation efficiency and capacity of the whole industrial chain and greatly reducing production costs.


CEO Statement



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