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Only $29.99 for PCB Assembly

2019-08-17  ALLPCB Team

ALLPCB will regularly give special offers to express our gratitude for your continuing trust and business. Now we provide a special offer for PCB Assembly orders -- only $29.99!

Some details of this special offer are as follows:

1. The quantity of assembly prototypes should be within 10pcs.

2. The sum of SMD solder joints and DIP solder joints are no more than 400.

3. The sum of DIP solder joints are no more than 100.

4. Single side and double sides are all available for the above SMT of special offer.

5. Special offer are not included If there is a component with package 0201 in the BOM or the spacing of the BGA is less than 0.3mm.

PCB Assembly.jpg

Order  Now

Additional Specials

1. $77 off for amount over $1000 (Deadline: August 31, 2019)

2. $0.99 for 1st PCB Prototype Order


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