Category:PCB KiCad
KiCad is a free software suite for electronic design automation (EDA). It facilitates the design of schematics for electronic circuits and their conversion to PCB designs. KiCad features an integrated environment for schematic capture and PCB layout design. Tools exist within the package to create a bill of materials, artwork, Gerber files, and 3D views of the PCB and its components.
[Hao] from Noisebridge showed me their CNC mill being used to etch PCBs. Using copper clad board, this MAXNC 10 mill routes the PCB with decent accuracy. This makes for very rapid prototyping of singl...(view more)
This is the continuation of a series of articles demonstrating how to Create A PCB In Everything. In this series, we take a standard reference circuit and PCB layout — a simple ATtiny85 board — and bu...(view more)
This is the continuation of a series where I create a PCB in every software suite imaginable. Last week, I took a look at KiCad, made the schematic representation for a component, and made a schematic...(view more)
KiCad is an open-source software tool for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and PCB artwork. Beneath its singular surface, KiCad incorporates an elegant ensemble of the following stand-alo...(view more)
Want some great free EDA tools? Here's a breakdown. The Maker Revolution is still going strong and the barriers to designing and manufacturing your own printed circuit boards for cheap are rapid...(view more)
I have a problem with the layout of an dip socket. I toke the housings_DIP:DIP-14_W7.62mm footprint. but every time I open the PCB it makes pin 7 and 14 GND. while the pin 14 should be VCC. If I show...(view more)
I am using KiCad to design PCB, and now I have got the schematics, netlist file and the footprint association. Now I need to create the PCB layout using Pcbnew. However I can not associa...(view more)
I've learned some tutorials online and tried to use KiCad myself.But,I'm facing difficulties and several errors appear.Why?(view more)
Is it possible to create sub-assemblies that can be reused across different projects? The sub-assemblies I said mean completing sub-sections of a design with all components, footprints and copper lay...(view more)
What is the way of laying out oval or slot holes on a PCB using KiCAD? I have a PCB layout that needs to put a USB connector on it . The connector requires 2 or 4 oval or slots holes, plus 5 surface m...(view more)