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Complete Electrical Testing in PCB Manufacturing

At the end of the PCB manufacture process,we must have an electrical test of multilayer PCB to against the original board data. The purpose of the electrical test is to test whether the circuit is on or off. Now, commonly,two kinds of electrical test are Bed-of-Nails test and flying probe.

Bed-of-Nails test

Bed-of-Nails test

1. Bed-of-Nails Test

Bed-of-Nails test is a traditional electronic test fixture which has numerous pins inserted into holes in an epoxy phenolic glass cloth laminated sheet (G-10) which are aligned using tooling pins to make contact with test points on a printed circuit board and are also connected to a measuring unit by wires. In PCB manufacture,this is generally used in mass production.

Flying probe

Flying probe

2. Flying probe

Flying probe is currently the latest solution in PCB testing. It is used to replace the probe needle, using more than one driven by the motor, capable of rapidly moving electrical probe device with pin contact and electrical measurement. This instrument was originally designed for the bare board, but also requires sophisticated software and procedures to support and now has been able to effectively simulate the online test. The emergence of flying probe has changed the test methods for low yield and fast conversion (quick-turn) assembly products.

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