● Manual visual inspection
● Flying probe/bed-of-nails test
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FQC, the final product quality control before packing, where products are wrong will be detected at this stage. Final quality control is to discover nonconforming products, then to find the unqualified conditions, and it may return to the process or semi-finished stage to repair. Finally, it needs to re-inspection, and to be detected once again through FQC. It ensures PCB boards meet the delivery requirements, and meet customers’ requirements. In the circuit board manufacture, methods for final quality control are as follows.
1. Manual visual inspection
As the original inspection method in PCBA, manual visual inspection is used for the detection of the appearance of the PCB board with the help of magnifier or eyes directly. The main contents of PCB detection are color, gloss, roughness, burr, and whether there are scratches.
2. Flying probe/bed-of-nails test
In FQC, the performance test of PCB board is obviously essential. Flying probe is one of the method, checking for shorts, opens, resistance, capacitance, and other basic quantities which will show whether the assembly was correctly fabricated. It may be performed with a bed-of-nails test fixture and specialist test equipment, or with a fixtureless in-circuit test setup.