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How Can We Inspect PCBs by Ourselves?

Before the PCB boards are shipped to buyer from manufacturers, a thorough inspection should be done. Of course,it might be hard do that at home because of the lack of equipment and devices. However,we can do something easier such as checking the appearance of PCB. Indeed, as a buyer, it’s quite essential to do so after you receive PCB boards. But how can we inspect PCBs by ourselves?


pcb inspection


Is any copper showing on board edges?

Firstly, you can check the copper showing on edges. Normally, there should be a copper clearance from the edge unless required. It helps eliminate shorts and a tearing effect of the copper when the board is routed.


Does the silk screen match artwork?

Another obvious one can be checked is the silk screen. You can take a cursory review of the board, check if the silk screen matches the artwork.Try to be as careful as possible, since line width, text width and text size should all match artwork.


Is the board warped?

Apart from that, you should also inspect PCBs on its .And a desktop is adequate to evaluate unless a perfectly flat surface is available. Generally the board should have little to no bow and the edge should rise very little.


Are overall board dimensions correct?

If the tolerance for the board width or height is not specified, the default tolerance used by the manufacturer is +/-.0.05’’. But it still need confirm with the manufacturer.


In fact, the boards should have at least a cursory inspection and be thoroughly inspected before delivery. But as a user of PCB, you’d better inspect PCBs by yourself before assembly. That would help you a lot.

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