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Why is online PCB quotation so popular?

With the development of PCB fabrication industry, more and more new technologies are invented to be used for this area. Therefore, customers prefer to quote PCB online rather than the traditional offline. Why is online PCB quotation so popular in recent years?

Online PCB Quotation

Online PCB Quotation

1. Quick

Nowadays, internet website technology is the most widely used. Hence, online PCB quotation has faster response than traditional PCB quote method. It’s possible to get quotation from PCB suppliers in just one or few days. In, we have achieved online quote for instant quotation. Purchasers can even get the PCB quotation immediately from different PCB manufacturers.

2. Transparent

The second factor why online PCB quotation becomes so popular is the transparent of the PCB fabrication online quote. There is no hidden cost. Hence, due to the transparency of PCB manufacture, more and more PCB purchasers have preferred to online quote from their PCB manufacturers.

3. Cheap

If you have compared online PCB quote with traditional PCB quote, you will find the price cheaper than your expection. Online quotation of most PCB fabrication is at a very low price. But if you quote to a traditional PCB manufacturer, they always told their customers that the price they give is already at a very low price. But if you compare two different type PCB board price, you will find why more customers choose to use online quote.

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