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The Most Common PCB Copper Thickness in Manufacture

The most common unit of measure for the copper thickness on a printed circuit board is ounces (oz). But most of people have no idea about how thick is it. It's the finished thickness when 1 oz copper is pressed flat and spread evenly over a one square foot area, which equals 1.37 mils. Of course not everyone thinks in mils so you can convert into your preferred unit of measure with our unit conversion tool.

Common Copper Thickness

Copper Thickness

Most printed circuit boards are constructed with 1 oz copper thickness. In PCB manufacturing, if customers do not offer specific specs, we will assume 1 oz when quoting and building the design. If customers have decided that the design requires more current than 1 oz can carry, it would better to consider increasing the copper thickness or increasing the width of your traces. Of course the thicker the copper the higher the cost, but there are certainly times if it is necessary. The cost increase is not only due to the raw material costs but processing thicker copper weights takes more time and is a little trickier to do.

If you still be puzzled about the copper thickness of your PCB orders, you can visit and chat with our online service to get more advices and information.

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