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How can the thermal dissipation be achieved for cooling?

In thermal design PCB designers should take the following points into consideration to ensure proper thermal dissipation of the electronic devices:

Thermal Dissipation

Thermal Dissipation

1) Use high-temperature components as much as possible;

2) Separate the temperature-sensitive electronic components and high heating source;

3) Cool the heat through the following three methods: heat conduction, convection and radiation.

Heat conduction can be achieved by the following ways:

1) Use material of high thermal conductivity.

2) Make the shortest distance to the radiator.

3) Ensure good thermal connection between the portions of the conduction path.

4) Place the printed conductor as large as possible in the path of heat conduction.

Convection can be achieved by the following ways:

1) Increase the surface area for heat transfer.

2) Replace laminar flow with spoiler to increase the heat transfer efficiency, and ensure that the surrounding environment of the required cooling part to have been well cleaned up.

Radiation can be achieved by the following ways:

1) Use materials with high sporadic and absorptive properties.

2) Increasing the temperature of the radiators.

3) Reduce the temperature of the absorbers.

4) Minimize the reflection of the radiator through the geometric PCB design. In order to clear the hot spots, which will damage the circuit board or adjacent components, the layout of power transistors or high-power resistors should be particularly paid attention to. In general, these components should be installed near the radiator frame.

In order to maintain the components below the maximum operating temperature, the followings also need to be done:

1) Analysis the circuit, to understand the maximum power consumption of each component;

2) Make sure the maximum operating temperature of component surface, which depends on the components themselves and the insulation environment.

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