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The Pollution of PCB Boards In PCB Manufacturing

Nowadays, the increasingly sophisticated small PCB boards make the PCB production more and more complex and bring about a lot of wastewater full of chemical substances in the processing. PCB boards are difficult to decompose in natural environment and the pollution of PCB boards are disseminated everywhere.

the pollution of PCB boards

1. Destruction of marine ecosystem

A large number of PCB boards invade the air, soil, river and ocean during the producing, processing, applying, transporting and waste handling process. Some of the PCB boards are inhaled by small marine organisms and fishes which are the food of marine life. As a result, PCB boards enter the body of all marine life, including marine mammals. The accumulation of PCB boards in marine species is much higher than that in the water which causes a great damage to the marine ecosystem.

2. Copper, organic matter and ammonia pollution

The PCB industry makes use of a large number of chemicals throughout the various stages in the process. The main pollutants of the pollution of PCB boards from the design and production of PCB boards are copper, organic matter and ammonia. As the composition of the routing on the PCB boards are made by removing the excess copper from the conductor layer, so copper is the most important pollutant in the wastewater of PCB boards. During the processing of fabricating circuit patterns, copper etching and circuit soldering, the ink is used to cover and protect part of the copper foil. It will be drained away which brings about a lot of organic matter with high concentration. Some COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) is up to 10 ~ 20g / L. The wastewater accounts for about 5% of the total amount of water.

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