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What Should Do after the PCB Board Completion?

We all know that PCB board manufacturing process is a bit complicated, it might cost much time and energy for getting a finished board. However, it’s never ended at PCB board completion at all. Indeed, a series of PCB QC processes should be coming afterwards. Then, what should to do after the PCB board is finished?



Quality Control Comes First

Quality control (QC) is the process when the board is checked if it satisfies the designer’s specification and the manufacture’s tolerances. Bow and twist will be defined among different applications, and the maximum one should not exceed +/-.010’’ [.254] per inch. According to IPC standard for measuring, .010’’ is standard but can be reduced to .008’’[.203] if flatness is not in demand.


Thru-Hole Quality Check

Besides, the thru-hole quality check should not be neglected in PCB QC process. After the completion of multilayer PCB, checking the quality of hole wall is fairly important as the hole concerns the smooth circuit conduction. So you should ask the manufacturers if they’ve made a cross section or a coupon one. If not, it should be required to do unless other inspections are used for checking the hole quality.


Finally, we come to the electrical test, which plays an important part in testing PCB QC process result because it proves whether the board can be practically applied. Through the electrical test, the circuit continuity and shorts can be checked out comparing the original data files. Sometimes, the original data files can be Gerber, but it may not match the original design. In this case, database transfer formats can be another option, which provides a better method of data transfer.

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