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Panel For Example Panel For Example Panel For Example


Published on 2021/11/11 12:19:50

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Components Used in the Project

  • ADXL *1
  • XBEE *2
  • LCD screen rs-232 *1
  • LED *4
  • MCP1201T *1
  • MCP6024 *2
  • PIC18f25K80 *1


Hi, My name is Cristian Rubilar and I study electronics in Montréal and I made this prototype of a motion spy sensor alarm . It works with an ADXL wich is a 3-axis accelerometer transducer thats sends the position of the device to the Xbee. The Xbee then sends the data by Radio frequency to the microcontroler PIC18f25k80 that saves it in to an array and displays it on the LCD screen while the set button is pressed. Once the set button is released, the position of the blue box is saved and the microcontroler in the white box keeps reading the position to verify if there's any motion. If a significant movement is detected the alarm in the white box goes off! This system has many possible ways to be used. It can be placed on a door and alarme you when someone enters a specific room. It could be used in a laboratory to ensure the is no movement on the subjet of a study, It can be used as a remote controller for an RC car, It can also be used as car alarm. It can be used in any motion sensible project. For the moment, I have only used this device as a door alarm and a RC car controller, but i think it has potential to do so much more. I would love to recieve ideas of how people would use it. This is the second time I build this project. The first time I built it , I only used through hole components and I made the PCB myself . Needless to say I did not like the result, the PCB was not pretty and also through hole components take too much space, the remote was too big and impractical. I then decided to make the remote again with only smd components and to order the PCB from a manucaturer online and I am very happy with this decision. That is why the PCB from the controler is so big and ugly compared to the one in the remote. When I have some extra time I would like to redo the controler shematics, only use smd components and order the PCB from ALLPCB This was the first time I ordered a PCB from a professional PCB manufacturer and I am more than amazed at the quality of the PCB. I was also impressed by the many colors I could choose from when ordering my PCB, before that I used to believe that the only possible color was green. I also recieved a few extra PCBs which I appreciate very much. Great first experience with ALLPCB, I will certainly order my PCBs with them again. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you liked this project idea, Cristian Rubilar



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