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Blue Soldermask is Easier to Distinguish

Solder Mask is a protective coating applied to the bare printed circuit board. Bare boards are covered with mask to prevent accidental solder bridging during assembly and to help protect the board from the environment. The most common colors are Green, Red, White, Yellow, Blue and Black. This article is about Blue PCB Soldermask.

Blue Soldermask

Blue Soldermask

One of the reasons why we use blue soldermask is that blue soldermask is easier to distinguish. And contrast between white silkscreen and blue soldermask is very high, so if your board is label-heavy then blue might be fit very well.

But the contrast between traces and empty space is a little too low and it is difficult to inspect for manufacturing defects without mandatory magnification. Meanwhile, blue soldermask doesn’t clean up as well as red and green. As a dark color it is prone to hiding dirt and if you’re not careful enough, the flux stains can be stubborn to remove.

Blue solder resist can be a good choice if you’re not bothered about showing off the traces on your board or you need to match colors with your project.

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