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The competition situation and development trend of PCB soldermask

The fierce competition of PCB Soldermask in the market has already started back in 2000. Now it continues to be more intense. At that time, a large number of imported brands are introduced into China’s market. Meanwhile there is a sharp increase of national brands joining the PCB solder resist market.

National brands, imported brands, coupled with the distributors and agents have formed an unprecedented PCB soldermask ink sales network. Because of the oversupply situation, like other industries PCB solder mask also began a serious price war.

Today the price competition still exists, but in recent years with the rising costs of raw materials, the price war has come to an end. Ink suppliers are working to change the situation: Instead of endless price competition, the soldermask ink makers start to work on the quality varieties and services, especially technical services. Thanks to the rapid development of PCB industry, PCB ink manufacturers obtain more chances.

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   soldermask ink

PCB solder resist ink industry is of high-tech. It involves paint and ink manufacturing technology, ultra-fine powder application technology, UV curing technology, lithography technology. Some products must require a high temperature above 280 ℃ resistance weldability, line precision performance to 25 micron, chemical nickel plating, tin resistance, above 1011 ohms electrical insulating properties, high voltage above 20kV breakdown performance, UV sensing optical properties.

In order to reduce environmental pollution and harm to the operators, PCB ink needs to be low-toxic, odorless, safe and environment-friendly. Some solder mask ink manufacturers and experts have already started to develop non-toxic solvent. In recent years many ink buyers from different countries start to purchase solder resist from China's PCB ink manufacturers, which indicates that China's PCB ink has also occupied a certain international market. More chances mean more challenges. It improves China PCB ink manufacturing technology, leading to the development of related technologies and other related products.

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